Arabic text reverser for mac
Arabic text reverser for mac

arabic text reverser for mac

Pressing Esc on your keyboard has the same function. The key will also turn on/off your keyboard input conversion. If I then highlight this text in AE, copy+paste back into this forum's type right now, it is back to عبد الله المل - a slightly different version of the original! The difference seems to be in the little accent about the central word, which isn't pasting across. Pressing Esc on the Arabic keyboard layout will toggle the mouse input between virtual QWERTY keyboard and virtual Arabic keyboard. The specific name in question was 'Abdullah Al Mulla', in Arabic عبد الله الملا What I have just pasted is the name as it appears in the document, however when I paste it into AE, it appears as (ignore the line in the top-left): My problem came with one or two very specific words/characters which, when I pasted into AE, appeared differently to the original Arabic text document I had copied them from. Simply reversing the text (for example using the TextReverser script. Entering Arabic and Farsi language text into After Effects without assistance fails because Arabic flows right-to-left while English flows left-to-right. The font I have been using is Adobe Arabic and this is clear and easy to work with. Allows for correct input of Arabic text in After Effects. Microsoft David Desktop - English (United States) (en-US) Microsoft Hazel Desktop - English (Great Britain) (en-GB) Microsoft Zira Desktop - English (United States) (en-US) Repeat. I have been copy/pasting names from a document I was sent by my client listing all the credit names in Arabic and pasting them into AE for animation etc.Īfter following the steps in AE Preferences>General>Type>"South Asian and Middle Eastern", it all worked fine. I'm using the most recent version of AE 15.1.1 (build 12) and I am working on a project which is a credit sequence in Arabic.

Arabic text reverser for mac